
Lack Of Vitamin C In The Body

Lack Of Vitamin C In The Body

All of the warning signs and what you can do to help reduce the chances of vitamin C deficiency have been revealed.

It is associated with scurvy, something 18th century sailors who went on long sea voyages used to suffer from as they had little or no vitamin C intake.

While scurvy is rare, a lack of vitamin C in your diet can still have an impact on your health, according to a Daily Express report.

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Vitamin C has also been suggested as a means to help prevent and treat a number of health conditions as it is an antioxidant.

According to the NHS, scurvy can be caused by not having enough vitamin C in your diet for at least three months.

But it has stressed that even people who do not eat very healthily all the time are not usually considered at risk of scurvy.

However, there are factors that could put you at more risk.

No fresh fruits or vegetables in your diet for a while, having anorexia, a long-term dependency on drugs or alcohol that affects your diet are among them.

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Smokers are more at risk, says the NHS, because smoking reduces how much vitamin C your body gets from food. Exposure to second-hand smoke may also decrease vitamin C levels.

"Babies, children and older people who find it hard to have a healthy diet may also be more at risk of scurvy," the NHS adds.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, your body needs more vitamin C at these times.

Symptoms of scurvy

There are symptoms of scurvy to beware of, many of which will show up on your skin and around your mouth.

According to the NHS having swollen, bleeding gums can be a sign of vitamin C deficiency, and warns that sometimes teeth can fall out.

People should also keep an eye out on their skin - and any changes to it.

If you see red or blue spots on the skin, usually on your shins, or have skin that bruises easily, these may be symptoms of scurvy.

Several other signs have been listed by the health bod, which says you should see a GP if you are at risk of scurvy and you feel very tired and weak all the time or you feel irritable and sad all the time.

Also, if you are suffering from severe joint or leg pain, go and see your GP for advice.

Vitamin C is an essential part of your diet as humans are unable to synthesize vitamin C from within their bodies.

The National Institutes of Health says that vitamin C has low toxicity and is not believed to cause serious adverse effects at high intakes.

"The most common complaints are diarrhoea, nausea, abdominal cramps, and other gastrointestinal disturbances due to the osmotic effect of unabsorbed vitamin C in the gastrointestinal tract," it says.

It adds that overt deficiency symptoms occur only if vitamin C intake falls below approximately 10 mg a day for many weeks.

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Lack Of Vitamin C In The Body


Is Vitamin C Good For Bone Healing

Is Vitamin C Good For Bone Healing


This meta-analysis aimed at investigating the impact of oral vitamin C supplementation on the post-procedural recovery of orthopedic patients, including functional outcomes and complex regional pain syndrome type I (CRPS I). Literature search using the Medline, Cochrane Library, and Embase databases from inception till March 2021 identified seven eligible randomized controlled trials with 1,361 participants. Forest plot revealed no significant difference in the functional outcomes at 6–12 months [standardized mean difference (SMD) = −0.00, 95% CI − 0.19 to 0.18, 467 patients], risk of overall complications (RR = 0.98, 95% CI 0.68 to 1.39, 426 patients), and pain severity at 3–6 months (SMD = − 0.18, 95% CI − 0.49 to 0.12, 486 patients) between patients with and without oral vitamin C supplementation. Pooled analysis showed that vitamin C treatment reduced the risk of CRPS I regardless of dosage (RR = 0.46, 95% CI 0.25 to 0.85, 1143 patients). In conclusion, the current meta-analysis demonstrated that oral vitamin C supplementation may reduce the risk of complex regional pain syndrome type I but did not improve the functional outcomes in orthopedic patients. Nevertheless, because of the small number of trials included in the present study, further large-scale clinical studies are warranted to support our findings.


Reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are natural byproducts of normal metabolism, play an important role in homeostasis and cell signaling1. Although the production of ROS is regulated by antioxidant defense systems under normal physiological conditions2, excessive ROS generation and/or weakened antioxidant defense ability causes protein oxidation, lipid peroxidation, and nucleic acid oxidation3. Previous studies have revealed an essential role of ROS in inflammatory and neuropathic pain for which ROS scavengers showed potent antinociceptive effect4. Indeed, ROS have been implicated in many chronic pain conditions in clinical practice, including fibromyalgia5 and complex regional pain syndrome type I (CRPS I)6. Besides the association with skeletomuscular pain, ROS are known to adversely affect bone healing. An imbalance between ROS production and antioxidant defense systems7 results in oxidative stress that may be detrimental to healing after bone fracture8. In concert with this finding, a previous study reported acceleration of bone healing following long-bone fixative surgery through antioxidant vitamins A, E, and C as well as selenium administration9. In addition, previous studies have demonstrated an association between oxidative damage and age-related decline in skeletal muscle functional activity10,11.

Vitamin C (i.e., ascorbic acid), which is a water-soluble antioxidant and co-substrate of a large class of enzymes crucial for normal human growth and development12, is known to regulate gene expression through interacting with important transcription factors. Vitamin C is important for coping with all stressful conditions linked to inflammatory processes in which immunity is involved13. It is indispensable for collagen formation and bone development. In fact, vitamin C has a part to play in the formation of non-collagenous proteins and the development of cells (i.e., chondroblast, osteogenic, and mesenchymal) in the process of bone healing14,15. Vitamin C deficiency is known to delay healing after bone fractures16 and a higher dietary vitamin C intake is related to a reduction in femoral neck bone mineral density loss17. Consistently, several epidemiological18,19 and review20 studies have identified a positive association between bone mineral density and dietary vitamin C intake.

Despite the common belief that oxidative damage may be associated with chronic pain and impair the functional integrity of human skeletal muscle as well as bone healing8, the impact of vitamin C supplementation on functional outcomes in orthopedic patients remains unclear. Furthermore, there were ambiguous results from meta-analysis21,22,23,24,25 regarding the impact of vitamin C supplementation on CRPS I. The present meta-analysis aimed at assessing the impact of vitamin C supplementation on functional outcomes and updating the knowledge of the association of vitamin C supplementation with the risk of CRPS 1 in orthopedic patients.

Materials and methods

Guidelines and registration

This meta-analysis was conducted in compliance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines26. The review protocol was registered with the PROSPERO international prospective register of systematic reviews (Registration No. CRD42020207721).

Search strategy

Two authors (K.-C.H., C.-N.H.) independently searched the Medline, EMBASE, and Cochrane Controlled Trials Register (CENTRAL) databases for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) which investigated the clinical outcomes in orthopedic patients with and without vitamin C supplementation. The last search was performed on March 27, 2021. To identify relevant articles, search keywords used controlled vocabulary (MeSH or Emtree) and text words including: "bone fracture*" or "fracture*" or "orthopedic*" or "orthopaedic*" or "bone injury" or "fracture healing" or "bone healing" or "bone*" or "Fractures, Bone [MeSH]" or "Orthopedic Procedures [MeSH]" or "Orthopedics [MeSH]" or "vitamin C" or "L-Ascorbic" or "Ascorb*" or "vit c" or "Magnorbin" or "hybrin" or "ascorbic acid [MeSH]". Results were combined using the Boolean operator "AND" with the search terms. References from relevant studies were searched to find additional studies. No publication date was applied, but only trials published in English were included.

Selection criteria

Two reviewers (K.-H.C., L.-K.W.) independently examined the abstracts of the acquired articles to identify potentially eligible studies. The PICO criteria for eligibility of RCTs for the current study included: 1) Population: adult patients (i.e., ≥ 18 years) who had orthopedic disorders that were treated conservatively or surgically; 2) Intervention: vitamin C was given as an intervention rather than a control through oral or intravenous route; 3) Comparison: placebo or no therapy; and 4) Outcome: any outcomes such as risk of CRPS I and/or functional outcomes (i.e., ≥ 3 months). There were no restrictions on the timing of administration and dosage. The exclusion criteria were (1) non-RCT studies including before-and-after studies, (2) studies that focused on pediatric population because of the difficulty in outcome assessment, (3) those in which information regarding dosage of vitamin C or outcomes was unavailable, and (4) those adopted vitamin C as a placebo. Two authors (J.-Y.C., Y.-J.C.) independently investigated the selected trials for the final analysis. In the situation of disagreements, a third author (C.-K.S.) was involved until a consensus was reached.

Data extraction

Two authors (S.-C.W., M.-H.C.) extracted relevant data from each selected trial and entered them into predefined databases. Divergences were resolved by discussion. If the included studies did not report data on primary or secondary outcomes, the corresponding authors were contacted for further information. The following data were extracted from each trial: author, publication year, study setting, patient characteristics, sample size, orthopedic procedures, dosage of vitamin C, incidence of CRPS I, functional outcomes, intensity of pain, and adverse events.

Primary outcome, secondary outcomes, and definitions

Clinical outcomes of the present meta-analysis were defined as those after a follow-up of 3–12 months. The primary endpoint was the impact of vitamin C supplementation on the functional outcomes following bone injury or orthopedic procedures, while the secondary outcomes included the risk of CRPS I, pain score, and risk of overall complications. The definition of functional outcomes and criteria for CRPS I were defined according to the criteria of each study.

Assessment of risk of bias for included studies

Two authors (M.-H.C., Y.-J.C.) assessed the risk of bias for each trial using the criteria outlined in the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions27. Disagreements were solved by discussion. The overall risk of bias of all included studies and the risk of bias of individual studies were analyzed. We rated the potential risk of bias by applying a rating of "low", "high," or "unclear" to each trial.

Statistical analysis

Instead of using the fixed model, a random effects model was adopted to calculate the risk ratios (RRs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for dichotomous outcomes taking into account probable study heterogeneity arising from differences in investigators and settings. Pooling of dichotomous data and computation of pooled RRs with 95% CIs was achieved by the Mantel–Haenszel (MH) method. The standardized mean difference (SMD) was used to express the selected effect size for continuous outcome. Assessment of heterogeneity (low: < 50%; moderate to high: 50% to 75%; high: > 75%) was attained by the application of I2 statistics. To identify the possible influence of a single study on the overall results, sensitivity analyses were conducted to evaluate the impact of a single clinical trial on the overall findings by deleting one study at a time from the meta-analysis. In addition, subgroup analyses were conducted based on the indications for the procedures (i.e., fracture subgroup vs. non-fracture subgroup). We used funnel plots to assess the potentials of publication and reporting bias if ten or more studies were available for the analysis of a particular outcome. The result was considered significant for a probability value (p) less than 0.05 for all analyses. For data synthesis, we utilized the Cochrane Review Manager (RevMan 5.4; Copenhagen: The Nordic Cochrane Center, The Cochrane Collaboration, 2014).


Study selection

A flowchart summarizing the reasons for study exclusion according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines as well as an illustration of the full electronic search strategy using the Medline database are shown in Fig. 1 and Supplemental Fig. 1, respectively. Of a total of 1,011 potentially eligible trials identified from the databases, 166 were removed due to duplication and 821 records were excluded after reviewing their titles and abstracts. Of the remaining 24 studies deemed eligible with the full text surveyed, 17 studies were deleted because of non-RCT studies (n = 9), no available outcomes (n = 2), irrelevance (n = 2), availability of merely an abstract (n = 1), shortage of numerical data (n = 2), and non-English publication (n = 1). Overall, seven RCTs in total were included in the present meta-analysis (Fig. 1).

Figure 1

PRISMA flowchart for selecting eligible studies. RCT: randomized controlled trial.

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Characteristics of included studies

Seven RCTs including 1,361 participants published between 1999 and 2021 were analyzed28,29,30,31,32,33,34. The study characteristics are described in Table 1. Vitamin C was given orally in all trials28,29,30,31,32,33 with a duration ranging from 40 to 55 days. The dosage of vitamin C was 1000 mg daily in three studies28,30,34 and 500 mg daily in three trials29,31,33, while one study compared the effects of three different daily doses (i.e., 200, 500, 1000 mg)32. The follow-up was 12 months in six studies28,29,31,32,33,34 and 12 weeks in the other study30. Three studies focused on patients with wrist fracture29,32,33, while the other four investigated patients with total knee replacement (n = 2)28,34, foot and ankle trauma (n = 1)30, and lumbar spine surgery (n = 1)31, respectively. For a study that divided patients with a wrist fracture into displaced and non-displaced sub-group29, we separated the two groups for convenience of statistical analysis. According to the indications for the procedures, subgroup analysis was performed on the seven studies included in the current meta-analysis that were divided into the fracture (i.e., three studies on wrist fracture29,32,33 and one study on ankle fracture30) and non-fracture (i.e., one study on lumbar spine stenosis31 and two studies on total knee arthroplasty28,34) subgroups.

Table. 1 Characteristics of included studies (n = 7).

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Risk of bias assessment

The risks of bias of individual studies are summarized in Fig. 2. All included studies were found to give sufficient details about randomization and were assigned a low risk of allocation bias28,29,30,31,32,33,34. The risk of performance bias of three trials was considered low because both participants and investigators were blinded to the treatment (e.g., all capsules had the same appearance and taste)30,32,33. Other risks of bias including attrition bias, measurement bias, reporting bias, and overall bias were also regarded as low in most studies.

Figure 2

Risks of bias of individual studies.

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Improvement in functional outcomes at 3–6 months

Three studies recruiting a total of 486 patients (vitamin group, n = 242 vs. placebo group, n = 244) were eligible for the analysis29,30,31. A forest plot demonstrated no significant difference in functional outcomes at 3–6 months between both groups (SMD = − 0.40, 95% CI − 0.91 to 0.12, p = 0.13; I2 = 87%) (Fig. 3). Subgroup analysis did not demonstrate a significant difference between the fracture and non-fracture subgroups (p = 0.95). Omitting certain trials also did not significantly impact the outcomes on sensitivity analysis.

Figure 3

Forest plot for the comparison of function outcomes at 3–6 months between vitamin C and placebo groups. CI, confidence interval; IV, inverse variance; Std., standardized.

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Improvement in functional outcomes at 6–12 months

Three studies with a total of 467 patients (vitamin group, n = 234 vs. placebo group, n = 233) were available for the analysis28,29,31. Inspection of the forest plot revealed no significant difference in functional outcomes at 6–12 months between both groups (SMD = − 0.00, 95%: CI − 0.19 to 0.18, p = 0.97; I2= 0%) (Fig. 4). No significant difference between fracture and non-fracture subgroups was noted on subgroup analysis (p = 0.46). In addition, sensitivity analysis did not show significant impact on outcome by omitting certain trials.

Figure 4

Forest plot for the comparison of function outcomes at 6–12 months between vitamin C and placebo groups. CI, confidence interval; IV, inverse variance; Std., standardized.

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Risk of CRPS I at follow-up of 12 months in patients receiving oral vitamin C regardless of dosage

Five studies involving a total of 1,143 patients (vitamin group, n = 687 vs. placebo group, n = 456) contained information for CRPS I risk assessment29,30,32,33,34. The definition of 'CRPS I' varied across the included studies (Table 1). The dosage of vitamin C varied from 200 to 1500 mg (Table 1). Pooled analysis showed that the risk of CRPS I was lower in patients with vitamin C treatment compared to those without (RR = 0.46, 95% CI 0.25 to 0.85, p = 0.01; I2 = 47%) (Fig. 5). Subgroup analysis showed no significant difference between the fracture and non-fracture subgroups (p = 0.43). However, inconsistency of outcome was noted on sensitivity analysis when three trials were removed one at a time32,33,34.

Figure 5

Forest plot for the comparison of risk of complex regional pain syndrome I between vitamin C and placebo groups at follow-up of 12 months. CI, confidence interval; M–H, Mantel–Haenszel.

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Risk of CRPS I at follow-up of 12 months in patients receiving oral vitamin C ≥ 500 mg daily

Five studies with a total of 1,047 patients (vitamin group, n = 591 vs. placebo group, n = 456) were available for the analysis of risk of CRPS I in patients receiving vitamin C ≥ 500 mg daily29,30,32,33,34. The dosage of vitamin C varied from 500 to 1500 mg (Table 1). Consistent the overall outcome regardless of dosage, pooled analysis also demonstrated a reduced risk of CRPS I in patients with relatively high-dose vitamin C supplementation compared to those without (RR = 0.45, 95% CI 0.23 to 0.89, p = 0.02; I2 = 54%) (Fig. 6). Subgroup analysis of the fracture and non-fracture subgroups demonstrated no significant difference (p = 0.5). On the other hand, sensitivity analysis showed an inconsistent outcome when three trials32,33,34 were removed one at a time.

Figure 6

Forest plot for the comparison of risk of complex regional pain syndrome I between vitamin C (dosage ≥ 500 mg daily) and placebo groups at follow-up of 12 months. CI, confidence interval; M–H, Mantel–Haenszel.

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Severity of pain 3–6 months after surgery or trauma

Three studies enrolling a total of 486 patients (vitamin group, n = 242 vs. placebo group, n = 244) provided data on pain severity for the analysis29,30,31. A forest plot demonstrated no significant difference in mean pain score at 3–6 months in the vitamin C group compared with that in the placebo group (SMD = − 0.18, 95% CI − 0.49 to 0.12, p = 0.25; I2 = 64%) (Supplemental Fig. 2). Subgroup analysis between the fracture and non-fracture subgroups revealed no significant difference (p = 0.93). Besides, sensitivity analysis gave no evidence of a significant impact on outcome by omitting certain trials.

Overall complications at 3–6 months after surgery or trauma

Two studies involving a total of 426 patients (vitamin group, n = 212 vs. placebo group, n = 214) reported the incidences of complications for the analysis29,31. The pooled RR of complications at 3–6 months was 0.98 (95% CI 0.68 to 1.39, p = 0.89, I2 = 0%) (Supplemental Fig. 3). The findings showed no significant association between the use of oral vitamin C supplementation and the risk of complications following surgery or trauma. Comparison between the fracture and non-fracture subgroups also demonstrated no significant difference on subgroup analysis (p = 0.77).


Despite the potential therapeutic effects of oral vitamin C supplementation on osteoporosis, bone mineral density, and physical performance35,36, our findings demonstrated no significant differences in the functional outcomes, pain score, and overall complications between patients with oral vitamin C supplementation and those without following orthopedic procedures. In addition, although previous meta-analyses reported that vitamin C supplementation may decrease the risk of CRPS I21,22,24,25, results from the other authors did not share the same conclusion23. With the incorporation of the latest data, our study showed a lower risk of CRPS I in patients with oral vitamin C treatment compared to those without.

In a meta-analysis of observational studies, an increased dietary vitamin C intake was associated with a lower risk of hip fracture and osteoporosis as well as a higher bone mineral density at femoral neck and lumbar spine35. In addition, recent studies suggested a positive correlation between vitamin C intake and physical performance in the elderly37. Consistently, another study examining the relationship between antioxidant vitamin intake (e.g., vitamin C, vitamin E, retinol, and β-carotene) and physical performance in the elderly demonstrated significant positive correlations between most antioxidants, particularly vitamin C, and a higher skeletal muscular strength (e.g., knee extension) and physical performance36. Because muscle strength recovery is a key factor affecting the functional outcome of post-fracture patients38,39,40, vitamin C may have a role to play in reinforcing functional recovery after fracture. Nevertheless, the current study did not show evidence supportive of this hypothesis.

CRPS I, which is an uncommon complication of orthopedic surgery with a female predominance, has an incidence of 10.1–22.2%32,33. CPRS I is characterized by unexplained pain, edema, swelling, sudomotor and motor dysfunctions (e.g., vasomotor instability) and loss of joint mobility. Early treatment is critical for a good prognosis41. Previous clinical and animal studies have demonstrated a reduced incidence of CRPS I after trauma and surgery through the oral vitamin C administration29,42,43. In concert with this finding, although a number of meta-analyses reported a decreased risk of CRPS I following orthopedic procedures after the use of vitamin C21,22,24,25, other meta-analyses did not share the same findings23. Therefore, the association between vitamin C supplementation and the risk of CRPS remains unclear.

The limitations of previous meta-analyses investigating the correlation between oral vitamin C supplementation and the risk of CRPS I are summarized in supplemental Table 1. For instance, one meta-analysis22 included only one RCT44 and two non-RCT studies42,45 without incorporating the results of some RCTs29,33. Although another meta-analysis focused on RCTs21, the included trials involved patients subjected to different forms of treatment (i.e., conservative33 vs. conservative or surgery29,32), inclusion and exclusion criteria, and criteria for diagnosing CRPS I. Despite the finding of an association between oral vitamin C supplementation and a decreased risk of CRPS I21, the application of fixed effects model based on the assumption of homogeneity of the included trials sampled from the same population46 instead of random effects model in that study may have biased their results. In contrast, using the random effects model and evidence from the latest studies, our investigation demonstrated a significant positive association between oral vitamin C supplementation and a reduced risk of CRPS I. However, the inconsistent outcome of sensitivity analysis implicated a lack of robustness of the results that warrant further large-scale clinical studies for elucidation.

Patients who are severely injured or after major surgeries are subject to a high level of systemic stress that causes an excessive production of ROS and a significant consumption of endogenous antioxidants7,47. Such an imbalance between ROS generation and antioxidant reinforcement perpetuates the oxidative stress, resulting in reduction/oxidation (redox) dysregulation, cellular perturbation, organ dysfunction, and systemic disorders7. A retrospective study on 4,294 trauma patients demonstrated that the implementation of a high-dose antioxidant protocol including intravenous vitamin C (1000 mg every eight hours) was associated with a reduced incidence of respiratory failure, surgical site infections, abdominal wall complications, and overall infectious complications47. Consistently, a previous meta-analysis on a total of 19 RCTs involving 2,008 patients showed a significant decrease in the incidence of atrial fibrillation, ventilation time, length of ICU and hospital stay in those receiving intravenous or oral vitamin C supplementation48. Nevertheless, the pooled RR of complications at 3–6 months in the current study was 0.98 (95% CI 0.68 to 1.39, p = 0.89, I2 = 0%) (supplemental Fig. 3), indicating that the use of vitamin C was not associated with a lower risk of complications. The difference in findings between the present investigation and previous studies may be partly explained by the variations in patients' condition, the magnitude of surgeries, the surgical techniques, and the incidence of inflammation and ischemia/reperfusion injury that the patients experienced7. Therefore, the inclusion of trials on relatively minor procedures in patients without major trauma or hemodynamic instability in the current meta-analysis may contribute to the lack of significant benefit of oral vitamin C supplementation in terms of reduction in postoperative complications. Additionally, in contrast to the current investigation that pinpointed the therapeutic benefit of oral vitamin C supplements, previous studies investigated patients receiving either pure intravenous47 or mixed intravenous and oral48 vitamin C. As intravenous vitamin C administration can achieve a circulating concentration up to 70-fold higher than that through the oral route at the maximum tolerable dose49, the lack of effectiveness of oral vitamin C is possible in this clinical setting.

The current meta-analysis had its limitations that need to be taken into account for accurate interpretation of its findings. First, our study included a relatively small number of RCTs on patients receiving different orthopedic procedures. Second, we only investigated the effects of oral vitamin C supplementation on the prevention rather than the treatment of CRPS I because there was no study on the latter. Third, review of the included trials of the present study29 revealed that the incidence of CRPS I appeared to vary with the time after surgery; the incidence at postoperative 6 weeks was higher than that at one year. Therefore, the choice of postoperative 12 months as the time of outcome assessment in the current study may result in underestimation of the beneficial effect of vitamin C. Nevertheless, only one of the included studies provided the incidence of CRPS I at three months after procedures so that the short-term effectiveness of vitamin C supplementation could not be assessed. Fourth, although CRPS I mostly affects women50, all five of our included trials recruited males who may have biased the findings. Finally, there are different criteria for the diagnosis of CRPS I (e.g., Budapest, Atkins and Veldman criteria)51. Of the five studies addressing CRPS I in the present study, two adopted the Veldman criteria, one used the Atkins criteria, and one applied the Budapest criteria. Hence, the small number of studies and the different criteria used may potentially bias our results.

In conclusion, our systematic review of clinical trials investigating the effects of oral vitamin C supplementation on recovery in patients after orthopedic procedures demonstrated no significant impact of vitamin C on the functional outcomes at 3–6 months or 6–12 months, the risk of overall complications and the severity of pain at 3–6 months after orthopedic procedures. However, patients with oral vitamin C supplementation regardless of dosage had a lower risk of CRPS I on follow-up at 12 months compared to that in those without. Nevertheless, the small number of randomized clinical trials included in this study warrants further large-scale studies to support our findings.


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Author notes

  1. These authors contributed equally: Kee-Hsin Chen and Cheuk-Kwan Sun.


  1. Department of Anesthesiology, Chi Mei Medical Center, Tainan City, Taiwan

    Kuo-Chuan Hung, Ying-Jen Chang, Chun-Ning Ho, Li-Kai Wang & Jen-Yin Chen

  2. Department of Health and Nutrition, Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science, Tainan City, Taiwan

    Kuo-Chuan Hung & Li-Kai Wang

  3. Department of Anesthesiology, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Chang Gung University College of Medicine, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

    Min-Hsien Chiang & Shao-Chun Wu

  4. College of Health Sciences, Chang Jung Christian University, Tainan City, Taiwan

    Ying-Jen Chang

  5. Post-Baccalaureate Program in Nursing, College of Nursing, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan

    Kee-Hsin Chen

  6. Cochrane Taiwan, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan

    Kee-Hsin Chen

  7. Center for Nursing and Healthcare Research in Clinical Practice Application, Wan Fang Hospital, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan

    Kee-Hsin Chen

  8. Evidence-Based Knowledge Translation Center, Department of Nursing, Wan Fang Hospital, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan

    Kee-Hsin Chen

  9. Department of Emergency Medicine, E-Da Hospital, No.1, Yida Road, Jiaosu Village, Yanchao District, Kaohsiung City, 82445, Taiwan

    Cheuk-Kwan Sun

  10. College of Medicine, I-Shou University, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

    Cheuk-Kwan Sun


Conceptualization, K.-C.H. and M.-H.C.; methodology, C.-N.H.; software, K.-H.C.; validation, L.-K.W. and J.-Y.C.; formal analysis, Y.-J.C.; investigation, S.-C.W.; resources, S.-C.W.; data curation, K.-C.H.; writing—original draft preparation, K.-C.H.; writing—review and editing, K.-C.H., M.-H.C. and C.-K.S.; visualization, M.-H.C.; supervision, C.-K.S.. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Cheuk-Kwan Sun.

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The authors declare no competing interest.

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Hung, KC., Chiang, MH., Wu, SC. et al. A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials on the impact of oral vitamin C supplementation on first-year outcomes in orthopedic patients. Sci Rep 11, 9225 (2021).

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Is Vitamin C Good For Bone Healing


How Much Vitamin C Can An 8 Year Old Take

How Much Vitamin C Can An 8 Year Old Take

Can I Give Emergen-C to My Child?

Mar 28, 2020 | Health Tips

Can I give Emergen-C to my child?

Many adults reach for Emergen-C at the first sign of a cold. While that's fine for adults, when you see cold symptoms coming on for a child, you shouldn't give your child under 15 an adult Emergen-C or a similar supplement. Instead, there is a kid Emergen-C that is specially formulated for kids and is safe to give to your child.

Emergen-C is a high dose of Vitamins C, B-6 and B-12 that's formulated for adults. Each dosage contains 1,000 mg of Vitamin C (about 16 times the USDA recommended daily value). While this is well within safe dosage for an adult, the upper intake level for children is considerably less: Children aged 1- to 3-years old should only consume 400 mg Vitamin C and those 4- to 8-years-old should consume no more than 650 mg.

Adult doses of Vitamin C won't have severe adverse affects, but they can cause upset stomach in children. In both children and adults, absorption of Vitamin C is best at low dosages: You (and your child) can absorb up to 90 percent of a moderate dosage, while up to 50 percent of a dose higher than 1,000 mg is not absorbed.

Although wasteful, unabsorbed Vitamin C is typically not dangerous. Although excessive levels of the vitamin, which is acidic, can cause upset stomach, unused Vitamin C is passed in urine.

Instead of giving your child Emergen-C or a similar supplement, seek to provide enough Vitamin C though a balanced diet. Citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruit, bell peppers, strawberries and cantaloupe are all rich in Vitamin C. If you're concerned your child isn't receiving enough Vitamin C in her diet, supplement it with a kids' vitamin that contains is.

And the idea of beating back a cold with big doses of Vitamin C? It's mostly a myth. Treating the common cold with Vitamin C reduces the length of a cold about 14 percent in children and 8 percent in adults.

How Much Vitamin C Can An 8 Year Old Take


Hanhoo Beautyfix Collagen Vitamin C Reviews

Hanhoo Beautyfix Collagen Vitamin C Reviews

Researchers in the United Kingdom say a study on eyesight shows diet and environmental factors are more important than genetics in lowering risk of cataracts.

Eating an apple a day may keep the doctor away, but eating oranges might do the same for cataracts.

In a study published today in the journal Ophthalmology, researchers in the United Kingdom said a higher dietary intake of vitamin C might significantly reduce the risk of developing cataracts.

The study, led by scientists at King's College London, is the first to conclude that dietary and environmental factors play a larger role than genetics in the development of cataracts.

"The findings of this study could have significant impact, particularly for the aging population globally by suggesting that simple dietary changes such as increased intake of fruits and vegetables as part of a healthier diet could help protect them from cataracts," Dr. Chris Hammond, professor of ophthalmology at King's College, consultant eye surgeon and lead author of the study, said in a statement.

Read More: What Is a Cataract? »

The researchers estimated genetic factors account for 35 percent of the difference in cataract progression. Environment and lifestyle account for 65 percent.

To study the impact diet has on cataracts, the researchers tracked the progression of the eye condition in 324 pairs of female twins from the United Kingdom.

The scientists examined digital images of the women's eye lenses when they were about 60 years old. They then studied the same type of images 10 years later.

They kept track of the women's intake of vitamins A, B, C, D, and E. They also tracked their intake of copper, manganese, and zinc using a food questionnaire.

The researchers said the women who ingested more vitamin C initially had a 20 percent reduced risk of developing cataracts. After 10 years, that risk had decreased by 33 percent.

The researchers noted that there was little risk reduction in the women who took vitamin supplements. Instead the preventative effects appeared to be obtained only by eating foods rich in vitamin C.

Dr. Ravi D. Goel, an ophthalmologist from New Jersey who is also a clinical instructor at Wills Eye Hospital in Pennsylvania, said the study provides helpful information for patients and doctors.

"These are novel findings for patients going forward," Goel, a spokesperson for the American Academy of Ophthalmology, told Healthline. "This is a helpful tool for patient education."

Read More: Americans Spend Billions on Vitamins and Supplements That Don't Work »

Cataracts occur when the lens of the eye becomes cloudy due to oxidation over a long period of time.

The researchers said the fluids that bathe the eye are rich in vitamin C, which helps stop the lens from oxidizing.

The dietary intake of vitamin C helps prevent cataracts by increasing the amount of this vitamin in the eye fluid.

The researchers added that smoking and diabetes also are risk factors for certain kinds of cataracts, so a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle are important.

"Healthy diets are always an advantage for patients," added Goel.

Goel also said vitamin C has already been shown to help slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration.

This latest information on cataracts adds to vitamin C's attributes. "It helps overall eye health," he said.

The researchers did note that their observational study has its limitations as it only involved women who were aged 60 years and older.

However, the researchers believe the information could also be relevant for male patients.

Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness in the world, affecting about 20 million people, according to statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO). Cataracts also affect 24 million Americans over the age of 40.

The condition can cause blurry vision, glare, poor night vision, and sensitivity to light.

Initially, better lighting and glasses may help ease some of the symptoms, but as cataracts progress surgery is sometimes needed.

Read More: Diabetes and Blurry Vision: What You Need to Know »

Hanhoo Beautyfix Collagen Vitamin C Reviews


Food Matters Cancer Cure Vitamin C

Food Matters Cancer Cure Vitamin C

A Guide to Vitamin C Serums


For 70 years Vitamin C has been one of the biggest weapons in the skin care industry. It's used to make cleansers, moisturizers, lotions, masks, and serums. So what is this powerful vitamin? How can it benefit you? Why should you use serums that contain Vitamin C? We're here to answer all of those burning questions in this complete guide and reveal the many benefits Vitamin C serums offer for your skin.

What Are Vitamin C Serums?

There are many variations of Vitamin C, but the most popular is ascorbic acid, a common ingredient in skincare products. However, all the variations of Vitamin C have anti-inflammatory benefits.

Vitamin C Serums are products that contain a high level of Vitamin C. They're used to treat wrinkles, sagging skin, lighten dark or red spots, prevent breakouts and even your skin tone. Basically, they battle all of those annoying skin issues. There are loads of products out there that claim they'll save your skin, but some can cause damage. Vitamin C is one of the most revered ingredients and conclusive research has shown how effective it can be.

How Are Vitamin C Serums Made?

Well so far we've talked about how incredible Vitamin C is and it sounds like a dream come true doesn't it? It's not all good. In fact, the mighty vitamin is unstable when it's exposed to air and light. Other ingredients need to be used to stabilize it and allow it to deliver amazing results. The serums are combined with ferulic acid and Vitamin E. According to researchers the perfect mixture is 15% Vitamin C with 1% Vitamin E and 0.5% ferulic acid. This makes Vitamin C perform to the best of its abilities, without damaging your skin.

What Does Vitamin C Serum Do for Your Face?

Boosts Collagen Production: Collagen keeps your skin firm and prevents sagging. Environmental factors such as lifestyle choices and pollution can increase the elasticity of your skin, so it's important you try to increase your collagen production.

Hydrates Your Skin: Dry skin is a common issue, but Vitamin C can help to give your skin that much-needed moisture boost. Remember, it doesn't work immediately so you need to keep applying the serum to see results.

Brightens Your Complexion: Dark spots on your skin are caused by the overproduction of melanin. Vitamin C decreases the production and lightens the dark spots to even out your complexion.

Reduces Redness and Inflammation: Conditions such as Rosacea leave many people searching for a magic cure. Vitamin C helps facial redness and inflammation by reducing the appearance of broken capillaries.

Why Should You Be Using Vitamin C Serum?

Don't think Vitamin C serums are just beneficial for your face. They can also shield you from sun damage and reduce stretch marks.

Saves You From The Sun: Prolonged exposure to UV rays can cause long-term damage to your skin. Luckily, Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that reduces red sports and prevents sunburn from spreading.

Fades Acne Scars: Acne plagues most of us at some point and we look forward to being free. Most of us get stuck with some scars but Vitamin C helps to fade scars and even out any discoloration.

Reduces Stretch Marks: Yes, Vitamin C serum can even help prevent those unsightly stretch marks by tightening your skin.

Are you ready to change your skin? Add a Vitamin C serum to your beauty regimen and enjoy a glowing complexion.

Food Matters Cancer Cure Vitamin C


Dr Teal's Vitamin C Lotion

Dr Teal's Vitamin C Lotion

Shea Sugar Scrub with Shea Butter, Almond Oil & Essential Oils

jar of Dr Teal's shea sugar scrub with shea butter and almond oil

Shea Sugar Scrub with Coconut Oil & Essential Oils

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Shea Sugar Scrub with Cannabis Sativa Hemp Seed Oil & Essential Oils

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Shea Sugar Scrub with Citrus, Vitamin C & Essential Oils

jar of Dr Teals shea sugar scrub in citrus fragrance

Shea Sugar Scrub with Black Elderberry & Essential Oils

jar of Dr Teal's shea sugar scrub in black elderberry fragance

Shea Sugar Scrub with Rose Essential Oil

jar of Dr Teal's Shea Sugar Scrub in the fragrance Rose

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Citrus Moisturizing Hand Soap with Shea Butter and Aloe Vera to soften hands

Citrus Moisturizing Hand Soap

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Eucalyptus facial toner

Dr Teal's Rose Witch Hazel Facial Toner

Rose Facial Toner

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Body Wash with Pure Epsom Salt and Hemp Seed Oil

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Pure Epsom Salt Soaking Solution with Milk & Honey

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Pure Epsom Salt Nighttime Therapy Soak

Pre & Post Workout Soak Soothe Sore Muscles

Dr Teals Pure Epsom Soaking Solution

Comfort & Calm Pure Epsom Salt Soak with Chamomile

Pure Epsom Salt Soaking Solution with Chamomile

Pure Epsom Salt Soak - Fragrance Free Soothe Sore Muscles

Pure Epsom Salt Therapeutic Soak Soothe Sore Muscles

Pure Epsom Salt Soaking Solution

Exfoliate & Renew Eucalyptus & Spearmint Epsom Salt Body Scrub

Body Scrub

Restore & Replenish Pink Himalayan Epsom Salt Body Scrub

Exfoliate & Renew Lavender Epsom Salt Body Scrub

Epson Salt Body scrub

Nourishing Coconut Oil Body Lotion Moisturizing Body Lotion

Dr Teals Coconut Oil Body Lotion

Soothing Lavender Body Lotion Moisturizing Body Lotion

Rejuvenating Eucalyptus & Spearmint Body Lotion Moisturizing Body Lotion

Kids Sleep Lotion with Melatonin Kids Melatonin Body Lotion

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Foot Soak

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Foot Cream

Glow & Radiance Foaming Bath with Pure Epsom Salt and Vitamin C Transform an Ordinary Bath into a Meditative Moment

Foaming Bath with Pure Epsom Salt and Hemp Seed Oil Transform an Ordinary Bath into a Meditative Moment

Vapor Foaming Bath with Menthol and Camphor Transform an Ordinary Bath into a Meditative Moment

Soothe & Sleep Foaming Bath with Pure Epsom Salt Transform an Ordinary Bath into a Meditative Moment

Lavendar Foaming Bath

Calm & Serenity Foaming Bath with Pure Epsom Salt, Rose & Milk Transform an Ordinary Bath into a Meditative Moment

Sooth & Sleep Foaming Bath with Pure Epsom Salt Transform an Ordinary Bath into a Meditative Moment

Relaxing Foaming Bath

Restore & Replenish Foaming Bath with Pure Epsom Salt Transform an Ordinary Bath into a Meditative Moment

Pink Himalayam Foaming Bath

Coconut Oil Foaming Bath with Pure Epsom Salt Transform an Ordinary Bath into a Meditative Moment

Coconut Oil Foaming Bath

Purify & Hydrate Deep Marine Sea Kelp Foaming Bath Transform an Ordinary Bath into a Meditative Moment

Deep Marine Sea Kelp Foaming Bath

Detoxify & Energize Foaming Bath with Pure Epsom Salt Transform an Ordinary Bath into a Meditative Moment

Foaming Bath with Ginger & Clay

Soften & Nourish Foaming Bath with Pure Epsom Salt Transform an Ordinary Bath into a Meditative Moment

Dr Teals Soften & Nourish Foam Bath

Comfort & Calm Foaming Bath with Pure Epsom Salt Transform an Ordinary Bath into a Meditative Moment

Foaming Bath with Chamomile

Ultra Moisturizing Foaming Bath with Super Moisturizer Avocado Oil Transform an Ordinary Bath into a Meditative Moment

Ultra Moisturizing Foaming Bath

Glow & Radiance Body Wash with Pure Epsom Salt and Vitamin C

Calm & Serenity Body Wash with Pure Epsom Salt, Rose & Milk

Pure Epsom Salt Sleep Bath with Melatonin and Essential Oils Transform an Ordinary Bath into a Meditative Moment

Soothe & Sleep Body Wash with Pure Epsom Salt

Dr Teals Lavendar Body Wash

Relax & Relief Body Wash with Pure Epsom Salt

Relax & Relief Body Wash

Detoxify & Energize Body Wash with Pure Epsom Salt

Detox and Energize Body Wash

Comfort & Calm Body Wash with Pure Epsom Salt

Dr Teals Chamomile Body Wash

Relax & Relief Bath & Body Oil Concentrated Mouisture in Natural Essential Oils

Eucalyptus Bath and Body Oil

Soothe & Sleep Bath & Body Oil Concentrated Mouisture in Natural Essential Oils

Lavender bath and body oil

jar of Dr Teal's shea sugar scrub with shea butter and almond oil

Shea Sugar Scrub with Shea Butter, Almond Oil & Essential Oils

Dr Teal's Shea Sugar Body Scrub is formulated with Shea Butter, Sugar, and Essential Oils to exfoliate and smooth skin. Essential oils help soothe the mind, while shea butter, sweet almond oil and macadamia seed oil leave the skin moisturized.


Massage Dr Teal's Shea Sugar Body Scrub into wet skin in circular motions, focusing on rough, dry areas. Rinse thoroughly. Great for use in bath or shower, or as a hand scrub.

Where to Buy

jar of Dr Teal's shea sugar scrub with coconut oil

Shea Sugar Scrub with Coconut Oil & Essential Oils

Dr Teal's Shea Sugar Body Scrub is formulated with Shea Butter, Sugar, and Essential Oil to exfoliate and smooth skin. Essential oils help rejuvenate the mind, while shea butter, coconut oil and avocado oil leave the skin moisturized.


Massage Dr Teal's Shea Sugar Body Scrub into wet skin in circular motions, focusing on rough, dry areas. Rinse thoroughly. Great for use in bath or shower, or as a hand scrub.

Where to Buy

jar of Dr Teals shea sugar scrub with hemp seed oil

Shea Sugar Scrub with Cannabis Sativa Hemp Seed Oil & Essential Oils

Dr Teal's Shea Sugar Body Scrub is formulated with Shea Butter, Sugar, and Essential Oils to exfoliate and smooth skin. Essential oils help calm the mind, while shea butter, hemp seed oil and avocado oil leave the skin moisturized.


Massage Dr Teal's Shea Sugar Body Scrub into wet skin in circular motions, focusing on rough, dry areas. Rinse thoroughly. Great for use in bath or shower, or as a hand scrub.

Where to Buy

jar of Dr Teals shea sugar scrub in citrus fragrance

Shea Sugar Scrub with Citrus, Vitamin C & Essential Oils

Dr Teal's Shea Sugar Body Scrub is formulated with Shea Butter, Sugar, and Essential Oil to exfoliate and smooth skin. Citrus essential oil helps uplift your mood, while vitamin C, shea butter, orange oil and coconut oil leave the skin moisturized and glowing.


Massage Dr Teal's Shea Sugar Body Scrub into wet skin in circular motions, focusing on rough, dry areas. Rinse thoroughly. Great for use in bath or shower, or as a hand scrub.

Where to Buy

jar of Dr Teal's shea sugar scrub in black elderberry fragance

Shea Sugar Scrub with Black Elderberry & Essential Oils

Dr Teal's Shea Sugar Body Scrub is formulated with Shea Butter, Sugar, and Essential Oils to exfoliate and smooth skin. Essential oils help uplift your mood, while shea butter, black elderberry, orange oil and avocado oil leave the skin moisturized.


Massage Dr Teal's Shea Sugar Body Scrub into wet skin in circular motions, focusing on rough, dry areas. Rinse thoroughly. Great for use in bath or shower, or as a hand scrub.

Where to Buy

jar of Dr Teal's Shea Sugar Scrub in the fragrance Rose

Shea Sugar Scrub with Rose Essential Oil

Dr Teal's Shea Sugar Body Scrub is formulated with Shea Butter, Sugar, and Essential Oils to exfoliate and smooth skin. Rose essential oil helps calm the mind, while shea butter, evening primrose oil, and macadamia seed oil leave the skin moisturized.


Massage Dr Teal's Shea Sugar Body Scrub into wet skin in circular motions, focusing on rough, dry areas. Rinse thoroughly. Great for use in bath or shower, or as a hand scrub.

Where to Buy

Dr Teal's Tea Tree & Peppermint Purify & Revitalize Essential Oil Shampoo & Conditioner

Tea Tree & Peppermint Essential Oil Shampoo & Conditioner

Enriched with a blend of Rose Essential Oil and Milk Protein, Dr Teal's Rose & Milk Smooth & Silky Essential Oil Shampoo & Conditioner infuse hair with natural moisturizers and essential nutrients, helping to nourish and hydrate your hair strands from the scalp, leaving your hair feeling soft and shiny. The soothing Rose scent helps de-stress your mind and calm your senses. Free of sulfates, parabens, phthalates, silicones and gluten. Cruelty-free and vegan-friendly.


Wet hair completely. Massage into a lather, beginning at the root and working towards the end. Rinse thoroughly with water. Repeat as necessary. Follow with Dr Teal's Essential Oil Conditioner. For best results, use with Dr Teal's Rose & Milk Smooth & Silky Essential Oil Conditioner.

Where to Buy

Rose & Milk Smooth & Silky Essential Oil Shampoo & Conditioner

Rose & Milk Essential Oil Shampoo & Conditioner

Enriched with a blend of Rose Essential Oil and Milk Protein, Dr Teal's Rose & Milk Smooth & Silky Essential Oil Shampoo & Conditioner infuse hair with natural moisturizers and essential nutrients, helping to nourish and hydrate your hair strands from the scalp, leaving your hair feeling soft and shiny. The soothing Rose scent helps de-stress your mind and calm your senses. Free of sulfates, parabens, phthalates, silicones and gluten. Cruelty-free and vegan-friendly.


Wet hair completely. Massage into a lather, beginning at the root and working towards the end. Rinse thoroughly with water. Repeat as necessary. Follow with Dr Teal's Essential Oil Conditioner. For best results, use with Dr Teal's Rose & Milk Smooth & Silky Essential Oil Conditioner.

Where to Buy

Foot Spray

Deodorizing + Revitalizing Foot Spray

Dr Teal's Deodorize + Revitalizing Foot Spray is specially formulated with a blend of Pure Epsom Salt and Menthol to relax achy feet while a blend of natural essential oils, cooling peppermint and tea tree oil helps eliminate foot odor. The fast-absorbing formula cools and moisturizes tired feet while soothing the senses.


Apply a few spritzes to your feet and in-between your toes for cooling relief. Allow to air dry.

Where to Buy

Coconut Oil Hand Soap

Coconut Oil Hand Soap

Dr Teal's Moisturizing Hand Soap is formulated with Shea Butter and Aloe Vera to soften hands, while Pure Epsom Salt and finely granulated pumice stone gently exfoliate and thoroughly cleanse. Aromatherapeutic essential oils helps refresh and relax the mind. Free of parabens, silicones and gluten. Cruelty-free and vegan-friendly.


Scrub hands with Dr Teal's Moisturizing Hand Soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Avoid contact with eyes. In case of contact, rinse with water.

Where to Buy

Rose & Milk Moisturizing Hand Soap

Dr Teal's Moisturizing Hand Soap is formulated with Shea Butter, Aloe Vera and Milk Protein to soften hands, while Pure Epsom Salt and finely granulated pumice stone gently exfoliate and thoroughly cleanse. Aromatherapeutic Rose essential oil helps revive and calm the mind. Free of parabens, silicones and gluten. Cruelty-free and vegan-friendly.


Scrub hands with Dr Teal's Moisturizing Hand Soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Avoid contact with eyes. In case of contact, rinse with water.

Where to Buy

Citrus Moisturizing Hand Soap

Citrus Moisturizing Hand Soap

Dr Teal's Moisturizing Hand Soap is formulated with Shea Butter and Aloe Vera to soften hands, while Pure Epsom Salt and finely granulated pumice stone gently exfoliate and thoroughly cleanse. Aromatherapeutic Citrus essential oils and Vitamin C help energize your mood and uplift the mind. Free of parabens, silicones and gluten. Cruelty-free and vegan-friendly.


Scrub hands with Dr Teal's Moisturizing Hand Soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Avoid contact with eyes. In case of contact, rinse with water.

Where to Buy

Eucalyptus & Spearmint Moisturizing Hand Soap

Eucalyptus & Spearmint Moisturizing Hand Soap

Dr Teal's Moisturizing Hand Soap is formulated with Shea Butter and Aloe Vera to soften hands, while Pure Epsom Salt and finely granulated pumice stone gently exfoliate and thoroughly cleanse. Aromatherapeutic Eucalyptus & Spearmint essential oils helps restore and rejuvenate the mind. Free of parabens, silicones and gluten. Cruelty-free and vegan-friendly.


Scrub hands with Dr Teal's Moisturizing Hand Soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Avoid contact with eyes. In case of contact, rinse with water.

Where to Buy

Lavendar hand soap

Lavender Moisturizing Hand Soap

Dr Teal's Moisturizing Hand Soap is formulated with Shea Butter and Aloe Vera to soften hands, while Pure Epsom Salt and finely granulated pumice stone gently exfoliate and thoroughly cleanse. Aromatherapeutic Lavender essential oil helps quiet and soothe the mind. Free of parabens, silicones and gluten. Cruelty-free and vegan-friendly.


Scrub hands with Dr Teal's Moisturizing Hand Soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Avoid contact with eyes. In case of contact, rinse with water.

Where to Buy

Nourishing Coconut Oil Bath & Body Oil

Dr. Teal's Coconut Oil Body Oil is a delicately scented body oil formulated to nourish the skin and calm the mind. Infused with nourishing Coconut Oil and a blend of Jojoba Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, and Cocoa Butter to soothe dry skin and seal in moisture. This gentle and lightweight formula gives instant hydration and a shimmering finish to dry skin. Absorbs quickly and is perfect to use in the bath or after a bath.


After your shower or bath, smooth a few drops onto damp skin to seal in moisture and condition skin. A little goes a long way. For a spa experience, add a few drops to your bath water and relax with the natural botanical oils.

Where to Buy

Moisturizing Shea Butter Bath & Body Oil

Dr Teal's Soaking Solution combines Pure Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate USP) with Shea Butter & Almond Oil extracts to help ease sore, achy muscles while moisturizing the skin. This extra rich skin caring formula has added natural essential oils, known for their ability to help soothe the senses, clear the mind and help provide relief from stress.


After your shower or bath, smooth a few drops onto damp skin to seal in moisture and condition skin. A little goes a long way. For a spa experience, add a few drops to your bath water and relax with the natural botanical oils.

Where to Buy

Dr Teal's Sleep Spray

Dr Teal's multi-purpose Sleep Spray combines melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate sleep and wake cycles, and a soothing blend of lavender and chamomile essential oils to help promote a better night's sleep.


Use Dr Teal's multi-purpose Sleep Spray at bedtime in 4 different ways to enhance your sleep routine: in shower; on body; on pillows & bedding; in bedroom.

Where to Buy

Ashwagandha Foaming Bath with Pure Epsom Salt

Dr Teal's Foaming Bath with Ashwagandha transforms your bath into a relaxing spa with luxurious essential oils to soothe the senses and help provide relief from stress. Ashwagandha Indian Winter Cherry helps provide relief from stress, while Orange and Ylang Ylang essential oils help calm the mind.


Pour a generous amount of Dr Teal's Foaming Bath under warm, running water for a relaxing bubble bath experience or try combining with your favorite Dr Teal's Epsom Salt Soak.

Where to Buy

Relaxing Cannabis Sativa Hemp Seed Oil Body Lotion

Dr Teal's Moisture Relaxing Cannabis Sativa Hemp Seed Oil body lotion is formulated with skin-softening hemp seed oil, cocoa butter and shea butter to help moisturize skin plus beneficial essential oils to renew your senses. This restorative blend brings moisture back to your skin, leaving it soft and smooth


Where to Buy

Comforting Oat Milk & Argan Oil Body Lotion

Dr Teal's Moisture Comforting Oat Milk & Argan Oil body lotion is formulated with skin-softening oat milk, argan oil, cocoa butter and shea butter to help moisturize skin plus beneficial essential oils to comfort your senses. This restorative blend brings moisture back to your skin, leaving it soft and smooth.

Where to Buy

Calming Rose & Milk Body Lotion

Dr Teal's Moisture Calming Rose & Milk body lotion is formulated with skin-softening milk protein and shea butter to help moisturize skin plus beneficial essential oils to calm your senses. This restorative blend brings moisture back to your skin, leaving it soft and smooth.

Where to Buy

Softening Milk & Honey Body Lotion

Dr. Teal's Softening Milk & Honey Body Lotion provides rich moisture plus the rejuvenating power of essential oils. This gentle moisturizer soothes skin and eases the mind with comforting milk and honey. Essential oils with cocoa butter, shea butter and vitamin E

Where to Buy

Sleep Lotion with Melatonin

Dr Teal's light-weight Body Lotion combines Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter and Vitamin E to nourish and renew skin. Melatonin, Lavender and Chamomile essential oils help promote a better night's sleep.


To help promote a better night's sleep, use at bedtime to moisturize skin and soothe your body and mind.

Where to Buy

Radiant Vitamin C Body Lotion

Dr Teal's body lotion is formulated with moisturizing ingredients plus beneficial essential oils to nourish and renew skin. This restorative blend will soothe away stress and help restore your skin's natural balance. Vitamin C helps promote glowing, youthful skin, while Citrus essential oils help uplift your mood.

Where to Buy

Lavender facial toner

Dr Teal's Lavender Witch Hazel Facial Toner

Enriched with Vitamin E and Organic Aloe Vera to moisturize and soothe skin, while Certified Organic Witch Hazel helps smooth, balance, and remove impurities for healthy-looking skin. Dr Teal's Lavender Facial Toner includes lavender essential oils to sooth your skin and mind. Dermatologist-tested and good for every skin type, Dr Teal's Facial Toner is alcohol-free, paraben-free, phthalate-free, gluten-free, vegan-friendly and never tested on animals.


After washing your face, apply Dr Teal's Witch Hazel Facial Toner with a cotton ball to your face and neck to smooth and moisturize skin. For best results, use daily.

Where to Buy

Eucalyptus facial toner

Dr Teal's Eucalyptus Witch Hazel Facial Toner

Enriched with Vitamin E and Organic Aloe Vera to moisturize and soothe skin, while Certified Organic Witch Hazel helps smooth, balance, and remove impurities for healthy-looking skin. Dr Teal's Eucalyptus Facial Toner includes eucalyptus essential oil to rejuvenate your skin and mind. Dermatologist-tested and good for every skin type, Dr Teal's Facial Toner is alcohol-free, paraben-free, phthalate-free, gluten-free, vegan-friendly and never tested on animals.


After washing your face, apply Dr Teal's Witch Hazel Facial Toner with a cotton ball to your face and neck to smooth and moisturize skin. For best results, use daily.

Where to Buy

Rose Facial Toner

Dr Teal's Rose Witch Hazel Facial Toner

Enriched with Vitamin E and Organic Aloe Vera to moisturize and soothe skin, while Certified Organic Witch Hazel helps smooth, balance, and remove impurities for healthy-looking skin. Dr Teal's Rose Water Facial Toner includes a blend of essential oils to nourish your skin and mind. Dermatologist-tested and good for every skin type, Dr Teal's Facial Toner is alcohol-free, paraben-free, phthalate-free, gluten-free, vegan-friendly and never tested on animals.


After washing your face, apply Dr Teal's Witch Hazel Facial Toner with a cotton ball to your face and neck to smooth and moisturize skin. For best results, use daily.

Where to Buy

Eucalyptus Hair Care

Dr Teal's Eucalyptus & Spearmint Volume & Bounce Essential Oil Shampoo & Conditioner

Infused with a refreshing blend of Eucalyptus and Spearmint essential oils, Dr Teal's Eucalyptus & Spearmint Volume & Bounce Essential Oil Shampoo & Conditioner help to transform dull, limp hair into voluminous, bouncy locks that are full of life. The invigorating properties of Eucalyptus & Spearmint help to rejuvenate both your hair and your senses. Free of sulfates, parabens, phthalates, silicones and gluten. Cruelty-free and vegan-friendly.


Wet hair completely. Massage into a lather, beginning at the root and working towards the end. Rinse thoroughly with water. Repeat as necessary. Follow with Dr Teal's Essential Oil Conditioner. For best results, use with Dr Teal's Eucalyptus & Spearmint Volume & Bounce Essential Oil Conditioner.

Where to Buy

Lavender Hair Care

Dr Teal's Lavender Thick & Full Essential Oil Shampoo & Conditioner

Enriched with Lavender essential oil, Dr Teal's Lavender Thick & Full Essential Oil Shampoo & Conditioner help protect and enhance your hair's natural volume and shine, leaving it feeling gloriously thick, full and manageable. The scent of calming Lavender will also help you to decompress and feel relaxed. Free of sulfates, parabens, phthalates, silicones and gluten. Cruelty-free and vegan-friendly.


Wet hair completely. Massage into a lather, beginning at the root and working towards the end. Rinse thoroughly with water. Repeat as necessary. Follow with Dr Teal's Essential Oil Conditioner. For best results, use with Dr Teal's Lavender Thick & Full Essential Oil Conditioner.

Where to Buy

Dr Teal's Coconut Nourish & Moisture Essential Oil Shampoo & Conditioner

Enriched with Coconut essence and a blend of complementary essential oils, Dr Teal's Coconut Nourish & Moisture Essential Oil Shampoo & Conditioner infuse hair with natural moisturizers and essential nutrients, helping to nourish and replenish dry, damaged hair. The tropical scent of Coconut is both soothing and luxurious. Free of sulfates, parabens, phthalates, silicones and gluten. Cruelty-free and vegan-friendly.


Wet hair completely. Massage into a lather, beginning at the root and working towards the end. Rinse thoroughly with water. Repeat as necessary. Follow with Dr Teal's Essential Oil Conditioner. For best results, use with Dr Teal's Coconut Nourish & Moisture Essential Oil Conditioner.

Where to Buy

Coconut Oil deodorant

Aluminum Free Deodorant with Coconut Oil

Dr Teal's Aluminum-Free Deodorant is clinically proven to absorb wetness plus fight odor all day. Our formula harnesses the strength of Magnesium, an essential mineral for your body and a powerful deodorizer, and contains Arrowroot powder and Baking Soda for all-day wetness absorption. Infused with Essential Oils, Coconut Oil, Jojoba Oil, and Shea Butter to leave your skin smelling and feeling great all day.


Use body heat to soften product. Hold product to skin for several seconds. Gently apply desired amount to clean underarms.

Where to Buy

Euculyptus Deodorant

Aluminum Free Deodorant with Eucalyptus

Dr Teal's Aluminum-Free Deodorant is clinically proven to absorb wetness plus fight odor all day. Our formula harnesses the strength of Magnesium, an essential mineral for your body and a powerful deodorizer, and contains Arrowroot powder and Baking Soda for all-day wetness absorption. Infused with Eucalyptus & Spearmint Essential Oils, Coconut Oil, Jojoba Oil, and Shea Butter to leave your skin smelling and feeling great all day.


Use body heat to soften product. Hold product to skin for several seconds. Gently apply desired amount to clean underarms.

Where to Buy

Aluminum Free Deodorant with Rose & Milk

Aluminum Free Deodorant with Charcoal

Dr Teal's Aluminum-Free Deodorant is clinically proven to absorb wetness plus fight odor all day. Our formula harnesses the strength of Magnesium, an essential mineral for your body and a powerful deodorizer, and contains Arrowroot powder and Baking Soda for all-day wetness protection. Infused with Rose Essential Oil, Coconut Oil, Jojoba Oil and Shea Butter to leave your skin smelling and feeling great all day.


Use body heat to soften product. Hold product to skin for several seconds. Gently apply desired amount to clean underarms.

Where to Buy

Aluminum Free Deodorant with Charcoal

Dr Teal's Aluminum-Free Deodorant is clinically proven to absorb wetness plus fight odor all day. Our formula harnesses the strength of Magnesium, an essential mineral for your body and a powerful deodorizer, and contains Arrowroot powder and Baking Soda for all-day wetness absorption. Infused with Essential Oils, Coconut Oil, Jojoba Oil, and Shea Butter to leave your skin smelling and feeling great all day.


Use body heat to soften product. Hold product to skin for several seconds. Gently apply desired amount to clean underarms.

Where to Buy

Lavendar Deodorant

Aluminum Free Deodorant with Lavender Vanilla

Dr Teal's Aluminum-Free Deodorant is clinically proven to absorb wetness plus fight odor all day. Our formula harnesses the strength of Magnesium, an essential mineral for your body and a powerful deodorizer, and contains Arrowroot powder and Baking Soda for all-day wetness absorption. Infused with Lavender Essential Oils, Coconut Oil, Jojoba Oil, and Shea Butter to leave your skin smelling and feeling great all day.


Use body heat to soften product. Hold product to skin for several seconds. Gently apply desired amount to clean underarms.

Where to Buy

Calm Your Mind Pure Epsom Salt Soak with Ashwagandha

Dr Teal's Soaking Solution combines Pure Epsom Salt with Ashwagandha Indian Winter Cherry to help ease sore, achy muscles and calm & destress your mind. A blend of Orange and Ylang Ylang essential oils help comfort and soothe the senses.


Soak away sore muscles. Pour at least 2 cups of Dr Teal's Epsom Salt under warm, running bath water. Soak for 20 minutes for relief of sore muscles.

Available in 3lb. bag

Where to Buy

Balance & Calm Pure Epsom Salt Soak with Matcha Green Tea

Dr Teal's(R) Soaking Solution harnesses the power of antioxidant-rich Matcha Green Tea to provide a relaxing bath. This calming soak combines Pure Epsom Salt with Matcha Green Tea to encourage relaxation and focus, leaving you feeling refreshed and renewed. A soothing blend of Citrus and Chamomile essential oils calm the mind and help provide relief from stress.


Soak away sore muscles. Pour at least 2 cups of Dr Teal's Epsom Salt under warm, running bath water. Soak for 20 minutes for relief of sore muscles

Available in 3lb. bag

Where to Buy

Kids Gentle Epsom Bath Sleep Soak with Melatonin

Dr Teal's® Gentle Epsom Bath is specially formulated to create a soothing bath time experience for your kids. This hypoallergenic formula combines Pure Epsom Salt, known for its ability to soothe skin and growing bodies, with
Melatonin, a natural hormone that helps regulate sleep and wake cycles. Calming essential oils and nourishing Coconut Oil help your kids wind down from the day.


To promote a better night's sleep: Fill the tub with warm water and pour a handful of Dr Teal's ® Gentle Epsom Bath into the tub.

Available in 2lb. bag

Where to Buy

Pure Epsom Salt Soak with Hemp Seed Oil

Dr Teal's Soaking Solution combines Pure Epsom Salt with Hemp Seed Oil (Cannabis Sativa) to help revitalize tired, achy muscles and deeply moisturize skin. A blend of White Thyme, Cedarwood & Bergamot essential oils create a soothing soaking experience that helps calm the mind and provide relief from stress.


Soak away sore muscles. Pour at least 2 cups of Dr Teal's Epsom Salt under warm, running bath water. Soak for 20 minutes for relief of sore muscles.

Available in 3lb. bag

Where to Buy

Pure Epsom Salt Soak - Shea Butter & Almond Oil

Dr Teal's Soaking Solution combines Pure Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate USP) with Shea Butter & Almond Oil extracts to help ease sore, achy muscles while moisturizing the skin. This extra rich skin caring formula has added natural essential oils, known for their ability to help soothe the senses, clear the mind and help provide relief from stress.


Soak away sore muscles. Pour at least 2 cups of Dr Teal's Epsom Salt under warm, running bath water. Soak for 20 minutes for relief of sore muscles

Available in 3lb. bag

Where to Buy

Pure Epsom Salt Soaking Solution with Lavendar

Soothe & Sleep Pure Epsom Salt Soak with Lavender

Dr Teal's® Soaking Solution combines Pure Epsom Salt, which has long been known to revitalize tired, achy muscles, with essential oils to soothe the senses and help provide relief from stress. Lavender essence has soothing properties that are known to promote a better night's sleep.


Soak away sore muscles. Pour at least 2 cups of Dr Teal's Epsom Salt under warm, running bath water. Soak for 20 minutes for relief of sore muscles

Available in 3lb. bag

Where to Buy

Calm & Serenity Pure Epsom Salt Soak with Rose & Milk

Dr Teal's Calm & Serenity Pure Epsom Salt Soaking Solution transforms an ordinary bath into a moisturizing and calming experience. Rose essential oil promotes a sense of comfort and ease, leaving skin delicately scented. Made famous by Cleopatra, Milk Protein is used for its nourishing qualities, leaving skin soft and radiant.


Soak away sore muscles. Pour at least 2 cups of Dr Teal's Epsom Salt under warm, running bath water. Soak for 20 minutes for relief of sore muscles.

Available in 3lb. bag

Where to Buy

Pure Epsom Salt Melatonin Sleep Soak

Sleep more soundly with Dr Teal's Melatonin Sleep Soak, formulated with Melatonin, Pure Epsom Salt and calming Lavender & Chamomile essential oils to ease your achy muscles while promoting a better night's sleep.


To promote a better night's sleep: At bedtime, pour at least 2 cups under warm, running bath water. Soak for 20 minutes and let the rich minerals soak away discomfort.Take deep breaths to soothe your body and mind.

Available in 3lb. bag

Where to Buy

Glow and Radiance Pure Epsom Salt Soak with Vitamin C

Dr Teal's Glow & Radiance Soak combines pure Epsom salt with Vitamin C and Citrus Essential Oils to revitalize tired, achy muscles. Vitamin C promotes youthful, glowing skin and Citrus essential oils uplift your mood as you soak. Simply add the moisturizing bath soak to warm water and let yourself relax for a rejuvenating treatment. The salt can be used in a variety of other ways, from a foot soak to a body scrub.


Soak away sore muscles. Pour at least 2 cups of Dr Teal's Epsom Salt under warm, running bath water. Soak for 20 minutes for relief of sore muscles

Available in 3lb. bag

Where to Buy

Pure Epsom Salt Soaking Solution with Eucalyptus

Relax & Relief Pure Epsom Salt Soak with Eucalyptus & Spearmint

Dr Teal's® Soaking Solution combines Pure Epsom Salt which has long been known to revitalize tired, achy muscles, with luxurious essential oils to soothe the senses and help provide relief from stress. Spearmint is used as a restorative for the body, while Eucalyptus stimulates the senses.


Soak away sore muscles. Pour at least 2 cups of Dr Teal's Epsom Salt under warm, running bath water. Soak for 20 minutes for relief of sore muscles

Available in 3lb. bag

Where to Buy

Dr Teals Pink Himalayan Mineral Soak

Restore & Replenish Pure Epsom Salt Soak

Dr Teal's® Pink Himalayan Mineral Soak combines Pure Epsom Salt with mineral rich Pink Himalayan Salt to revitalize tired, achy muscles and help replenish your body's minerals. Uplifting Bergamot and Sweet Orange essential oils soothe the senses and help provide relief from stress.


Soak away sore muscles. Pour at least 2 cups of Dr Teal's Epsom Salt under warm, running bath water. Soak for 20 minutes for relief of sore muscles

Available in 3lb. bag

Where to Buy

Pure Epsom Salt Soaking Solution with Coconut Oil

Pure Epsom Salt Soak- Coconut Oil

Dr Teal's® Soaking Solution combines Pure Epsom Salt which has long been known to revitalize tired, achy muscles, with nourishing Coconut Oil to help provide ultimate skin nutrition. Coconut oil essence creates a blissful soaking experience to soothe the senses and help provide relief from stress.


Soak away sore muscles. Pour at least 2 cups of Dr Teal's Epsom Salt under warm, running bath water. Soak for 20 minutes for relief of sore muscles.

Available in 3lb. bag

Where to Buy

Pure Epsom Salt Soak - Activated Charcoal & Black Lava Salt

Dr Teal's Soaking Solution harnesses the power of purifying Activated Charcoal & Pure Epsom Salt to cleanse and detoxify skin. This uplifting soak combines Pure Epsom Salt with Activated Charcoal & Black Lava Salt, known for the ability to cleanse body's impurities, leaving your skin feeling renewed and revitalized. A refreshing blend of Juniper & Grapefruit essential oils rejuvenate the senses, and help provide relief from stress.


Soak away sore muscles. Pour at least 2 cups of Dr Teal's Epsom Salt under warm, running bath water. Soak for 20 minutes for relief of sore muscles

Available in 3lb. bag

Where to Buy

Dr. Teals Deep Marine Sea Kelp Body Wash

Sea Kelp Body Wash

Dr Teal's Deep Marine Sea Kelp Body Wash, 24 oz. Dr Teal's Deep Marine Sea Kelp Body Wash hydrates and conditions skin. Aloe Vera, Shea Butter and Vitamin E moisturize while Pure Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate USP) helps revitalize tired achy muscles.

Nutrient rich sea kelp helps purify and hydrate while uplifting lemongrass and orange essential oils soothe the senses.


Apply a generous amount of Dr Teal's body wash to hands, wash cloth or pouf. Gently massage all your body for ultra-moisture and total rejuvenation.

Where to Buy

Body Wash with Pure Epsom Salt and Hemp Seed Oil

Dr Teal's® Body Wash with Hemp Seed Oil (Cannabis Sativa), Aloe Vera, Shea Butter and Vitamin E nourish and moisturize. A soothing blend of White Thyme, Cedarwood & Bergamot essential oils help calm the mind.


Apply a generous amount of Dr Teal's body wash to hands, wash cloth or pouf. Gently massage all your body for ultra-moisture and total rejuvenation.

Where to Buy

Kids 3-in-1 Sleep Bath with Melatonin

Dr Teal's® Kids Sleep 3 in 1 is specially formulated to be safe and hypoallergenic with gentle cleansers that make incredible bubbles for a great smelling bubble bath. With Melatonin, a natural hormone that helps regulate sleep and wake cycles, and natural essential oils to help your kids wind down from the day. This 3-in-1 also works great as a shampoo and body wash.


As a bubble bath, pour into tub under running water and watch bubbles foam.

As a body wash, pour a small amount onto hands, work into a lather and rinse well.

As a shampoo, apply a small amount to wet hair, lather and rinse well.

Where to Buy

Pure Epsom Salt Soaking Solution with Giner & Clay

Detoxify & Energize Pure Epsom Salt Soak with Ginger & Clay

Dr Teal's® Soaking Solution combines Pure Epsom Salt which has long been known to revitalize tired, achy muscles, with luxurious essential oils to soothe the senses and help provide relief from stress. Ginger and Clay help to cleanse away your body's impurities while helping you feel more energized.


Soak away sore muscles. Pour at least 2 cups of Dr Teal's Epsom Salt under warm, running bath water. Soak for 20 minutes for relief of sore muscles.

Available in 3lb. bag

Where to Buy

Pure Epsom Salt Soaking Solution with Milk & Honey

Soften & Nourish Pure Epsom Salt Soak with Milk & Honey

Dr Teal's Epsom Salt Soaks combine pure Epsom salt (Magnesium Sulfate U.S.P.) with rejuvenating essential oils to help reduce inflammation, revitalize tired, achy muscles, and soothe the senses, which provides relief from stress.


Soak away sore muscles. Pour at least 2 cups of Dr Teal's Epsom Salt under warm, running bath water. Soak for 20 minutes for relief of sore muscles

Available in 3lb. bag

Where to Buy

Pure Epsom Salt Soaking Solution Wellness Therapy

Wellness Therapy Pure Epsom Salt Soak

Dr Teal's® Wellness Therapy Soaking Solution combines Pure Epsom Salt which has long been known to revitalize tired, achy muscles with luxurious essential oils to help provide relief from stress. Rosemary, Spearmint and Peppermint essence helps to soothe your body of daily stress while refreshing your mind and promoting whole body relief and wellness.


Soak away sore muscles. Pour at least 2 cups of Dr Teal's Epsom Salt under warm, running bath water. Soak for 20 minutes for relief of sore muscles

Available in 3lb. bag

Where to Buy

Pure Epsom Salt Nighttime Therapy Soak

Relax & Unwind with Dr Teal's Soothe & Sleep Pure Epsom Salt with Lavender Essential Oils. Epsom Salt helps relieve aches and pains, while the scent of fresh lavender soothes your mind and body, promoting better, deeper sleep.


To promote a better night's sleep, at bedtime pour at least 2 cups under warm, running bath water and soak for 20 minutes. Let the rich minerals absorb through the skin and take deep breaths to smell the lavender to soothe your body and mind.

Available in 4lb. bag in Sleep section.

Where to Buy

Dr Teals Pure Epsom Soaking Solution

Pre & Post Workout Soak

Dr Teal's Pre & Post Workout combines Pure Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate U.S.P.) and Menthol, both known to comfort and relieve overworked muscles, allowing for optimum performance.


Soak away sore muscles. Pour at least 2 cups of Dr Teal's Epsom Salt under warm, running water to soak away sore muscles. Soak for 20 minutes to help speed recovery time.

Available in the First Aid section

Where to Buy

Pure Epsom Salt Soaking Solution with Chamomile

Comfort & Calm Pure Epsom Salt Soak with Chamomile

Dr Teal's® Soaking Solution combines Pure Epsom Salt, which has long been known to revitalize tired, achy muscles, with essential oils to soothe the senses and help provide relief from stress. The essence of chamomile helps calm the mind and soothe the senses.


Soak away sore muscles. Pour at least 2 cups of Dr Teal's Epsom Salt under warm, running bath water. Soak for 20 minutes for relief of sore muscles

Available in 3lb. bag

Where to Buy

Pure Epsom Salt Soak - Fragrance Free

Dr Teal's Fragrance Free Soaking Solution consists of unscented Pure Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate USP), which has long been known to help revitalize tired, achy muscles and help refresh skin's appearance. Pair with Dr Teal's Foaming Bath for an aromatic bubble bath, or Dr Teal's Ultra Moisturizing Bath Bombs for a skin-nourishing soak.


Soak away sore muscles. Pour at least 2 cups of Dr Teal's Epsom Salt under warm, running bath water. Soak for 20 minutes for relief of sore muscles.

Available in a 4 LB Bag in the Bath section.

Where to Buy

Pure Epsom Salt Soaking Solution

Pure Epsom Salt Therapeutic Soak

Dr Teal's Unscented Epsom Salt is made of pharmacy grade Magnesium Sulfate U.S.P. for whole body relief and wellness.


Soak away sore muscles. Pour at least 2 cups of Dr Teal's Epsom Salt under warm, running bath water. Soak for 20 minutes for relief of sore muscles.

Available in a 6 LB Bag in the First Aid section.

Where to Buy

Body Scrub

Exfoliate & Renew

Dr Teals® Eucalyptus Epsom Salt Scrub is formulated with Pure Epsom Salt to gently exfoliate skin. Relaxing Eucalyptus essential oil soothes the senses, while Shea Butter and Jojoba Oil leave skin soft and moisturized.


Massage onto skin in circular motions to slough away rough, dry areas.

Available in 16oz. size

Where to Buy

Restore & Replenish

Dr Teals® Pink Himalayan Epsom Salt Scrub is formulated with Pure Epsom Salt and Pink Himalayan Salt to gently exfoliate skin. Bergamot and Sweet Orange essential oils soothe the senses, while Aloe Vera, Shea Butter, & Vitamin E help hydrate skin.


Massage onto skin in circular motions to slough away rough, dry areas.

Available in 16oz. size

Where to Buy

Epson Salt Body scrub

Exfoliate & Renew

Dr Teals® Lavender Epsom Salt Scrub is formulated with Pure Epsom Salt to gently exfoliate skin. Lavender essential oil soothes the senses, while Shea Butter and Jojoba Oil leave skin soft and moisturized.


Massage onto skin in circular motions to slough away rough, dry areas.

Available in 16oz. size

Where to Buy

Dr Teals Coconut Oil Body Lotion

Nourishing Coconut Oil Body Lotion

Dr Teal's® light-weight body lotion is formulated with moisturizing ingredients plus beneficial essential oils to nourish and renew skin. This restorative blend with Coconut Oil brings moisture back to your skin, leaving it soft and smooth.

Available at all Walmart stores in the Skin Care section.

Where to Buy

Soothing Lavender Body Lotion

Dr Teal's Moisturizing Lavender Body Lotion delivers deep moisture to the skin plus all the benefits of aromatherapy for the mind. This rich blend of Cocoa Butter, Shea Butter and Vitamin E is infused with Lavender essential oil. Apply at night before bed or after a soak or shower to calm your senses and soothe your skin.

Available at all Walmart stores in the Skin Care section.

Where to Buy

Rejuvenating Eucalyptus & Spearmint Body Lotion

Dr Teal's Eucalyptus and Spearmint Body Lotion delivers deep moisture to the skin plus rejuvenating aromatherapy. This rich blend of Cocoa Butter, Shea Butter and Vitamin E is infused with uplifting Eucalyptus and Spearmint essential oils to refresh your skin and clear your mind.

Available at all Walmart stores in the Skin Care section.

Where to Buy

Kids Sleep Lotion with Melatonin

Dr Teal's® Kids Sleep Lotion is specially formulated to be safe, hypoallergenic and lightweight to gently moisturize skin. Melatonin and natural essential oils help your kids wind down from the day.

Where to Buy


Gentle Exfoliant with Pure Epsom Salt Softening Remedy

Dr Teal's® Gentle Exfoliant is a foot care treatment specially formulated with a blend of Pure Epsom Salt & mineral salt to exfoliate away rough, dry skin. Enriched with super moisturizers, Aloe Vera & Coconut Oil, this scrub will leave your feet touchably softer and rejuvenated.


Massage on to wet or dry feet to soften and protect against calluses. Use daily to keep feet touchably smooth.

Available in 6oz. size

Where to Buy

Foot Soak

Pure Epsom Salt Refreshing Foot Soak

Dr Teal's Refreshing Foot Soak with Pure Epsom Salt is known to revive tired, achy feet. Peppermint essential oil and baking soda provide a cooling sensation to refresh your feet, eliminate foot odor and revitalize the mind while shea butter moisturizes your feet.


Pour at least 1/2 cup of Dr Teal's Foot Care Therapy Soaks per gallon of warm water into a basin or small container. Soak feet for 15-20 minutes. Breathe in the relaxing essential oils to soothe the senses.

Available in 2LB. bag

Where to Buy

Foot Cream

Moisturize & Soften Foot Cream with Pure Epsom Salt

Dr Teal's® Shea Enriched Foot Cream is formulated with Shea Butter, Aloe Vera & Vitamin E to provide intense moisture and help prevevnt rough spots. Use daily to keep feet touchably smooth.


Daily massage Dr Teal's Shea Enriched Foot Cream from heels to toes to soften and moisturize dry feet.

Available in 8oz. size

Where to Buy

Glow & Radiance Foaming Bath with Pure Epsom Salt and Vitamin C

Dr Teal's® Foaming Bath transforms your bath into a relaxing spa with Vitamin C and citrus essential oils to soothe the senses, revitalize tired, achy muscles and help provide relief from stress. Vitamin C promotes youthful, glowing skin. Citrus essential oils help uplift mood. Long lasting bubbles gently cleanse.


Pour a generous amount of Dr Teal's Foaming Bath under warm, running water for a relaxing bubble bath experience or try combining with your favorite Dr Teal's Epsom Salt Soak.

Available in 34oz. bottle.

Where to Buy

Foaming Bath with Pure Epsom Salt and Hemp Seed Oil

Dr Teal's Foaming Bath transforms your bath into a relaxing experience with calming essential oils to soothe the senses and help provide relief from stress. Hemp Seed Oil moisturizes and nourishes skin, while White Thyme, Cedarwood & Bergamot essential oils help calm the mind and provide relief from stress.


Pour a generous amount of Dr Teal's Foaming Bath under warm, running water for a relaxing bubble bath experience or try combining with your favorite Dr Teal's Epsom Salt Soak.

Available in 34oz. bottle.

Where to Buy

Vapor Foaming Bath with Menthol and Camphor

Dr Teal's Vapor Foaming Bath with Menthol, Camphor and Essential Oils soothes the senses and help provide relief from stress. Pure Epsom Salt helps revitalize tired, achy muscles, while Menthol, Camphor and Spearmint Essential Oil helps soothe the body and open up sinuses. Helps soothe during cold and allergy season.


Pour a generous amount of Dr Teal's Foaming Bath under warm, running water for a relaxing bubble bath experience or try combining with your favorite Dr Teal's Epsom Salt Soak.

Available in 24oz. bottle.

Where to Buy

Lavendar Foaming Bath

Soothe & Sleep Foaming Bath with Pure Epsom Salt

Dr Teal's® Foaming Bath transforms your bath into a relaxing spa with essential oils to soothe the senses, revitalize tired, achy muscles and help provide relief from stress. Lavender essence has soothing properties that are known to promote a better night's sleep.


Pour a generous amount of Dr Teal's Foaming Bath under warm, running water for a relaxing bubble bath experience or try combining with your favorite Dr Teal's Epsom Salt Soak.

Available in 34oz. bottle.

Where to Buy

Calm & Serenity Foaming Bath with Pure Epsom Salt, Rose & Milk

Dr Teal's® Foaming Bath transforms your bath into a calming experience with essential oils to soothe the senses, revitalize tired, achy muscles and help provide relief from stress. Rose essential oil promotes a sense of comfort and ease, leaving skin delicately scented. Made famous by Cleopatra, Milk Protein is used for its nourishing qualities, leaving skin soft and radiant. Long-lasting bubbles gently cleanse.


Pour a generous amount of Dr Teal's Foaming Bath under warm, running water for a relaxing bubble bath experience or try combining with your favorite Dr Teal's Epsom Salt Soak.

Available in 34oz. bottle.

Where to Buy

Relaxing Foaming Bath

Sooth & Sleep Foaming Bath with Pure Epsom Salt

Dr Teal's® Foaming Bath transforms your bath into a relaxing spa with essential oils to soothe the senses, revitalize tired, achy muscles and help provide relief from stress. Spearmint is used as a restorative for the body, while Eucalyptus stimulates the senses.


Pour a generous amount of Dr Teal's Foaming Bath under warm, running water for a relaxing bubble bath experience or try combining with your favorite Dr Teal's Epsom Salt Soak.

Available in 34oz. bottle.

Where to Buy

Pink Himalayam Foaming Bath

Restore & Replenish Foaming Bath with Pure Epsom Salt

"Dr Teal's® Pink Himalayan Foaming Bath transforms your bath into a relaxing spa with luxurious essential oils to soothe the senses and help provide relief from stress.

Mineral rich Pink Himalayan Salt helps replenish your body's minerals, while uplifting Bergamot and Sweet Orange essential oils soothe the senses. "


Pour a generous amount of Dr Teal's Foaming Bath under warm, running water for a relaxing bubble bath experience or try combining with your favorite Dr Teal's Epsom Salt Soak.

Available in 34oz. bottle.

Where to Buy

Coconut Oil Foaming Bath

Coconut Oil Foaming Bath with Pure Epsom Salt

Dr Teal's® Foaming Bath transforms your bath into a relaxing spa with essential oils to soothe the senses, revitalize tired, achy muscles and help provide relief from stress. Coconut Oil has long been known to moisturize skin and help soothe skin irritation.


Pour a generous amount of Dr Teal's Foaming Bath under warm, running water for a relaxing bubble bath experience or try combining with your favorite Dr Teal's Epsom Salt Soak.

Available in 34oz. bottle.

Where to Buy

Deep Marine Sea Kelp Foaming Bath

Purify & Hydrate Deep Marine Sea Kelp Foaming Bath

Dr. Teal's Sea Kelp Foaming Bath transforms your bath into a relaxing spa with essential oils to soothe the senses, revitalize tired, achy muscles and help provide relief from stress. Nutrient-rich Sea Kelp helps purify and hydrate, while uplifting Lemongrass and Orange essential oils help sooth the stress.


Pour a generous amount of Dr Teal's Foaming Bath under warm, running water for a relaxing bubble bath experience or try combining with your favorite Dr Teal's Epsom Salt Soak.

Available in 34oz. bottle.

Where to Buy

Foaming Bath with Ginger & Clay

Detoxify & Energize Foaming Bath with Pure Epsom Salt

Dr Teal's® Foaming Bath transforms your bath into a relaxing spa with essential oils to soothe the senses, revitalize tired, achy muscles and help provide relief from stress. Ginger and Clay help to cleanse your body by removing harmful toxins while helping you feel more energized.


Pour a generous amount of Dr Teal's Foaming Bath under warm, running water for a relaxing bubble bath experience or try combining with your favorite Dr Teal's Epsom Salt Soak.

Available in 34oz. bottle.

Where to Buy

Dr Teals Soften & Nourish Foam Bath

Soften & Nourish Foaming Bath with Pure Epsom Salt

Dr Teal's Foaming Bath transforms an ordinary bath into a moment to unwind from the day by combining Pure Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate U.S.P) and beneficial essential oils to soothe the senses, relax tense muscles and provide relief from stress.


Dr Teal's® Foaming Bath transforms your bath into a relaxing spa to soothe the senses, revitalize tired, achy muscles and help provide relief from stress. Soften your skin with a luxurious soak with Milk & Honey.

Available in 34oz. bottle.

Where to Buy

Foaming Bath with Chamomile

Comfort & Calm Foaming Bath with Pure Epsom Salt

Dr Teal's® Foaming Bath transforms your bath into a relaxing spa with essential oils to soothe the senses, revitalize tired, achy muscles and help provide relief from stress. Calm your mind and comfort your body with the essence of Chamomile.


Pour a generous amount of Dr Teal's Foaming Bath under warm, running water for a relaxing bubble bath experience or try combining with your favorite Dr Teal's Epsom Salt Soak.

Available in 34oz. bottle.

Where to Buy

Ultra Moisturizing Foaming Bath

Ultra Moisturizing Foaming Bath with Super Moisturizer Avocado Oil

Dr Teal's® Ultra Moisturizing Foaming Bath transforms an ordinary bath into a relaxing spa. Foaming bubbles deliver soft, creamy aromatic notes, while Super Moisturizer Avocado Oil helps to moisturize and soften skin.


Pour a generous amount of Dr Teal's Foaming Bath under warm, running water for a relaxing bubble bath experience or try combining with your favorite Dr Teal's Epsom Salt Soak.

Available in 34oz. bottle.

Where to Buy

Glow & Radiance Body Wash with Pure Epsom Salt and Vitamin C

Dr Teal's® Ultra Moisturizing Body Wash hydrates, conditions and moisturizes skin with Aloe Vera, Shea Butter and Vitamin E, while Pure Epsom Salt helps revitalize tired, achy muscles. Vitamin C promotes youthful, glowing, skin. Citrus essential oils help uplift mood.


For a refreshing experience, apply a small amount of body wash to hands, a wash cloth, or a pouf. Gently massage all over your body for ultra-moisture and total rejuvenation.

Available in 24oz. bottle

Where to Buy

Calm & Serenity Body Wash with Pure Epsom Salt, Rose & Milk

Dr Teal's® Calm & Serenity Body Wash helps hydrate and condition skin. Milk protein, Aloe Vera, Shea Butter, Vitamin E, and Pure Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate USP) nourish and moisturize. Rose essential oil helps calm the mind, promotes a sense of comfort and ease and leaves skin delicately scented. Made famous by Cleopatra, Milk Protein is used for its nourishing qualities, leaving skin soft and radiant.


For a refreshing experience, apply a small amount of body wash to hands, a wash cloth, or a pouf. Gently massage all over your body for ultra-moisture and total rejuvenation.

Available in 24oz. bottle

Where to Buy

Pure Epsom Salt Sleep Bath with Melatonin and Essential Oils

Dr Teal's Foaming Bath with Melatonin transforms your bath into a rejuvenating experience with essential oils to soothe the senses and help provide relief from stress. Melatonin helps regulate sleep and wake cycles, while Lavender and Chamomile essential oils help reduce stress and encourage relaxation, promoting a better night's sleep.


Pour a generous amount of Dr Teal's Foaming Bath under warm, running water for a relaxing bubble bath experience.

Available in 24oz. bottle

Where to Buy

Dr Teals Lavendar Body Wash

Soothe & Sleep Body Wash with Pure Epsom Salt

Dr Teal's® Ultra Moisturizing Body Wash hydrates, conditions and moisturizes skin with Aloe Vera, Shea Butter and Vitamin E, while Pure Epsom Salt helps revitalize tired, achy muscles. Soothe body and mind with Lavender essence, which has soothing properties that are known to promote a better night's sleep.


For a refreshing, spa-like experience, apply a small amount of body wash to hands, a wash cloth, or a pouf. Gently massage all over your body for ultra-moisture and total rejuvenation.

Available in 24oz. bottle

Where to Buy

Relax & Relief Body Wash

Relax & Relief Body Wash with Pure Epsom Salt

Dr Teal's® Ultra Moisturizing Body Wash hydrates, conditions and moisturizes skin with Aloe Vera, Shea Butter and Vitamin E, while Pure Epsom Salt helps revitalize tired, achy muscles. Relax and relieve body and mind with Eucalyptus and Spearmint. Spearmint is used as a restorative for the body, while Eucalyptus stimulates the senses.


For a refreshing, spa-like experience, apply a small amount of body wash to hands, a wash cloth, or a pouf. Gently massage all over your body for ultra-moisture and total rejuvenation.

Available in 24oz. bottle

Where to Buy

Detox and Energize Body Wash

Detoxify & Energize Body Wash with Pure Epsom Salt

Dr Teal's® Ultra Moisturizing Body Wash hydrates, conditions and moisturizes skin with Aloe Vera, Shea Butter and Vitamin E, while Pure Epsom Salt helps revitalize tired, achy muscles. Cleanse away body's impurities with Ginger and Clay, helping you to feel more energized.


For a refreshing, spa-like experience, apply a small amount of body wash to hands, a wash cloth, or a pouf. Gently massage all over your body for ultra-moisture and total rejuvenation.

Available in 24oz. bottle

Where to Buy

Dr Teals Chamomile Body Wash

Comfort & Calm Body Wash with Pure Epsom Salt

Dr Teal's Ultra-Moisturizing Body Wash hydrates and conditions skin, restoring its original softness. Aloe Vera, Shea Butter and Vitamin E nourish and moisturize, while Pure Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate U.S.P.) helps relieve tired, achy muscles.


For a refreshing, spa-like experience, apply a small amount of body wash to hands, a wash cloth, or a pouf. Gently massage all over your body for ultra-moisture and total rejuvenation.

Available in 24oz. bottle

Where to Buy

Eucalyptus Bath and Body Oil

Relax & Relief Bath & Body Oil

Dr Teal's® Eucalyptus & Spearmint Body Oil soothes dry skin and seals in moisture. This gentle formula absorbs quickly and is perfect to use after your shower or bath. Add to your bath to enjoy the relaxing scent of Eucalyptus & Spearmint and to moisturize while you soak.


After your shower or bath, smooth a few drops onto damp skin to seal in moisture and condition skin. A little goes a long way. For a spa experience, add a few drops to your bath water and relax with the natural botanical oils.

Available in 8oz. bottle

Where to Buy

Lavender bath and body oil

Soothe & Sleep Bath & Body Oil

Dr Teal's® Lavender Body Oil soothes dry skin and seals in moisture. This gentle formula absorbs quickly and is perfect to use after your shower or bath. Add to your bath to enjoy the soothing scent of Lavender and moisturize while you soak.


After your shower or bath, smooth a few drops onto damp skin to seal in moisture and condition skin. A little goes a long way. For a spa experience, add a few drops to your bath water and relax with the natural botanical oils.

Available in 8oz. bottle

Where to Buy

Dr Teal's wants to be an important part of your self-care routine.

Our mineral-enriched therapies and treatments are infused with essential oils that relax, replenish and rejuvenate your mind and body.

Slow down, take a moment, and allow the restorative effects of Dr Teal's help create a stronger you.

Dr Teal's. Just be.

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Dr Teal's Vitamin C Lotion




